Monday, August 12, 2013

No bird photos in this one. I am sharing a variety of photos with you today. This weekend I got to witness the last stage of the Mayflies life. They were everywhere. I also have some landscape photos too. Hope you all enjoy them.
Remmel Dam in Jones Mill. This is the Ouachita River side.

Root system of a tree along the Ouachita River.

Sun rising on the Ouachita River.

The sun is shining on Remmel Dam. A very popular fishing site.

Walking along the river you can find many wild flowers and creatures lurking within.

A creatures home?

We live in the Ouachita Mountains in the foothills.
A lot of wide open spaces.

The mornings sunlight catches our State Tree "The Pine"
standing proud and noble.

My cat "Hazel". She just turned 8 years old this past month.
She wanted in on the action too!

Front entrance of "The College of the Ouachitas".
It is located in Malvern.

This past weekend I was witness to the last stage of the Mayflies moulting.
It is the only winged insect that under goes this stage with wings.
It makes them very unique. Few species live in lakes.
This was taken at Cox Creek Lake.
There were 100's of them.

Cox Creek Lake is all riled up because a storm is brewing.

All is calm after the storms at sunset.

The next morning we had a little fog and a mirror-like lake.
Hope you enjoyed my photos. Watch for my next post.
Never know what may be on here, where I may go next or
what will catch my eye and lens. Til then.....
Have a wonderful week !!!

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