Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Raining in my area of Arkansas this morning. How are you all doing? Been busy working on my largest file in my photos just to share with ya all. BIRDS! Has taken me 2 days to go through and identify each, then edit. Warning: Not all the photos I will be posting are perfect and ready for competitions. Some of the birds were there for a fleeting moment and I had to act fast. Others were very far off.... I still have a few that I have been unable to identify. If you recognize any or I've labeled them wrong, please let me know.I have been an avid bird watcher for only a few years. Most of the photos were taken at my dining room window. A couple feet from this window sits a Magnolia Tree. I have 2 Hummingbird feeders, a suet feeder, a seed feeder, and a birdbath. I originally got a seed feeder so my cat Hazel could watch the birds. Now we watch together. Since my file contains so many photos I will share 30 today, 20 tomorrow, & the rest on Friday. Thanks so much for coming to visit with me here and allowing me to share Arkansas and all it has to offer.
Portrait of a Female Cowbird

Juvenile Northern Cardinal

Full-grown male Northern Cardinal

Female Cowbird

Male House Finch

Mother Chipping Sparrow and baby

Mother Chipping Sparrow feeding her young

Brown Thrasher

Rufous-crowned Sparrow

White-throated Sparrow

Male & Female American Goldfinch

Dark-eyed Junco


Male Mallard Duck and ?

American Tree Sparrow

Male Ruby-Throated Hummingbird showing tongue 

Turkey Vultures sunning

Green Heron

Flock of Rock Pigeons

Female Hummingbirds showing its tongue

Male Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Singing !

Ruby-Throated Male Hummingbird looking to defend its territory and mate against rivals


Turkey Vulture and Fish Crow dining side by side

Turkey Vulture

Fish Crow

Chipping Sparrow just bathed

Carolina Wren : Very fast! Hard to capture photo.

Mississippi Kite

Brown Thrasher ?

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